Shopify Spy

Scrape products from Shopify-powered stores to Excel or CSV

Offered as a Chrome extension and as a Edge addon

Chrome extension Edge addon

Shopify Spy for Chrome and Edge

Shopify Spy scrapes products from Shopify powered stores and saves as an Excel document or CSV.

Install for Chrome  Install for Edge 

Shopify Spy features:

Shopify Spy Chrome extension screenshot

Supported fields

Shopify Spy supporta a wide range of data fields.

Product Fields:

  • Handle: The unique identifier for the product.
  • Title: The name of the product.
  • Body (HTML): The HTML description of the product.
  • Vendor: The name of the product’s vendor.
  • Product Type: The category or type of the product.
  • Tags: Keywords associated with the product.
  • Published: Indicates whether the product is published or unpublished.


  • Option Name
  • Option Value


  • Variant SKU: The stock keeping unit for the variant.
  • Variant Grams: The weight of the variant in grams.
  • Variant Price: The price of the variant.
  • Variant Compare At Price: The original price of the variant, used for comparison.
  • Variant Inventory Qty: Inventory quantity, where 0 indicates out of stock and 1 indicates in stock.

Slow Mode Additional Fields for Variants:

  • Variant Barcode: The barcode for the variant.
  • Variant Tax Code: The tax code associated with the variant.
  • Variant Weight Unit: The unit of weight measurement for the variant.


  • Image Src: The source URL of the image.

Slow Mode Additional Fields for Images:

  • Image Alt Text: The alternative text for the image.