Accu Subscriptions

Accu Subscriptions app helps you to create, manage, and schedule-wise recurring subscription products

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App IDaccu-subscriptions
Vendor IDdhanashree-inc
Launched07 December 2021
CategoriesSubscriptions Subscription boxes Subscribe and save
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Accu Subscriptions

Quick Installation - quick and easy single-click installation and setup
Automate Subscription Payments - Automatically create orders
Technical Support - Feel free to contact us

About Accu Subscriptions

Accu Subscriptions integrates natively with Shopify Checkout. We are using the latest Subscriptions API for a seamless experience. We are providing an easy management portal for both merchants and customers. Our aim is to provide a seamless and sustainable recurring business for you and your customers with a good quality experience.

0% Transaction Fee

Our app doesn’t charge any transaction fees on recurring orders.

Unlimited Subscription Plans

Admin Dashboard - Accu Subscriptions

Admin Dashboard - Accu Subscriptions

Product Page Subscription Option - Accu Subscriptions

Product Page Subscription Option - Accu Subscriptions

Subscription Plans - Accu Subscriptions

Subscription Plans - Accu Subscriptions