Libautech: Sticky Add to Cart

Display the Sticky Add To Cart Bar or Button on the product page for a faster checkout process

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App IDadd-sticky-checkout
Vendor IDlibau-solutions
Launched20 April 2021
CategoriesCart customization Badges and icons
Avg rating4.1
Total reviews6

Benefits of Libautech: Sticky Add to Cart

This app helps to improve the conversion rate of the product page
Display the sticky button front and centre on every product page
Boost Mobile and Desktop Shopping with 40+ Sticky Bar Widget Designs
Easy to set up and edit the Sticky Add To Cart Bar or Button
Track views, conversions & clicks with Sticky Add to Cart app

About Libautech: Sticky Add to Cart

Sticky Add to Cart Bar improves the user experience by allowing customers to easily add items to their cart or buy now from anywhere on the product page. We offer 40+ bar designs that follow the user’s scroll, making it always visible and accessible. This feature helps improve conversion rates and streamline the checkout process for customers.

Mobile Sticky Add To Cart Presets

Mobile Sticky Add To Cart Presets

Desktop Sticky Add To Cart design presets

Desktop Sticky Add To Cart design presets

Easy and simple to set up Sticky Add To Cart Designs

Easy and simple to set up Sticky Add To Cart Designs