
AddressNinja ‑ Validator

Block checkouts without house numbers, with special characters, or missing DHL Packstation details

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App IDaddress-ninja
Vendor IDcodethat-m-siekmann-d-brachwitz-linden-g
Launched02 February 2024
CategoriesDelivery and pickups - Other
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews11

Benefits of AddressNinja ‑ Validator

About AddressNinja ‑ Validator

Avoid costs for undeliverable packages or chasing your customers to get correct address data. AdressNinja blocks users from checking out with addresses in a wrong format. No more missing house numbers or special characters that mess with your inventory management system. For German stores AddressNinja can ensure proper formatting for DHL Packstation/Paketshop deliverys. Important: Addresses are not validated with an address database, we simply check if a house number, postnumber etc. is there.

DHL is you nightmare?

DHL is you nightmare?

Just prevent DHL

Just prevent DHL

be a pro with address ninja

be a pro with address ninja