

Manage your existing partnership with ease using this supplementary service provided by Adelfi.

🚀 Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDadelfi
Vendor IDadelfi
Launched05 January 2024
CategoriesDirect marketing - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Adelfi

About Adelfi

In just one click, we automatically generate thousands of Adelfi discount codes and track your monthly commissions directly from Shopify, making our service as hands-off as needed. These features are exclusively available to stores who have previously negotiated partnerships with Adelfi.

Adelfi Homepage

Adelfi Homepage

Discount List

Discount List

Commission Tracking

Commission Tracking