
UTM Marketing Sources Monitor

Track audience engagement and identify marketing channels quality via UTM and custom parameters.

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App IDadpal-analytics-app
Vendor IDadpal-inc
Launched13 September 2023
CategoriesMarketing analytics
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of UTM Marketing Sources Monitor

About UTM Marketing Sources Monitor

AdPal brings a suite of features to elevate your store: Attention Score to gauge active audience engagement; detailed Marketing Channel Analysis to identify high and low-performing channels; UTM & Custom Parameter Tracking for precise campaign tracking to optimize your marketing spend. Navigate through your customer’s journey with clear, actionable data, ensuring each marketing strategy is not only implemented but also thoroughly analyzed for peak performance.

Attention Score: % of quality audience actively engaging with yo

Attention Score: % of quality audience actively engaging with yo

Marketing Attribution: See which ads lead to sales with no compl

Marketing Attribution: See which ads lead to sales with no compl

Track UTM or your own specific custom parameters

Track UTM or your own specific custom parameters