
Auto-apply discounts. Display discounted prices everywhere before checkout to increase conversion.

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App IDadsgun
Vendor IDshopibro-llc
Launched01 July 2024
CategoriesPromotions - Other
Avg rating5
Total reviews9

Benefits of Adsgun

Auto-apply discounts to your customers cart and all pages before cart & checkout
Supports multiple discounts giving varied discounts for different products
Discount code input available before checkout with customizable design
Display Shopify Markets custom pricing at the location level with discounts
Allows making any custom feature with discounts using Adsgun for Developers

About Adsgun

Adsgun helps you automatically apply discounts to customers’ carts and display discounted prices on products, collections, the cart, and everywhere else, making customers more likely to buy, getting more of them to checkout and decreasing cart abandonments. Adsgun lets you make discount notifications, so customers know they’re getting a good deal. Adsgun makes it easy to stack and combine multiple discounts for more complex promotions all auto-applied. Adsgun is compatibile with Shopify Markets.

Default vs Adsgun Collection Page

Default vs Adsgun Collection Page

Default vs Adsgun Product Page

Default vs Adsgun Product Page

Default vs Adsgun Cart

Default vs Adsgun Cart