
AdsPostX: Receipt Page Offers

Make more revenue from your customers with personalized offers on your order confirmation page.

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App IDadspostx-shopping-offers
Vendor IDadspostx-inc
Launched21 October 2022
CategoriesRetargeting ads
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of AdsPostX: Receipt Page Offers

About AdsPostX: Receipt Page Offers

AdsPostX generates more revenue per order for your store by displaying personalized offers to your customers after they finish their purchase.

Designed as a no-code solution that can be implemented in just a few clicks, start earning more from each transaction and delight your customers along the way.

AdsPostX manages and optimizes the ads your customers see and provides you with additional monthly recurring revenue.

Generate more revenue from each order with post-purchase offers

Generate more revenue from each order with post-purchase offers

Customize how offers appear to match your branding

Customize how offers appear to match your branding

Real-time reporting to watch your earnings grow

Real-time reporting to watch your earnings grow