Advanced Shipping Calculator

Advanced Shipping Rates lessen the struggle of computing shipping costs based on multiple criteria.

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App IDadvance-ship-rate-city-zipcode
Vendor IDlogiceverest
Launched11 August 2021
CategoriesShipping rates Flat fee Product-based Quantity-based Weight-based ZIP/post code Multi-zone Address validation
Avg rating4.2
Total reviews5

Benefits of Advanced Shipping Calculator

Specify the shipping zones by city, state, zip/postal code, and country.
Calculate rates based on the cart’s weight, total price, and quantity of items.
Offer free shipping on minimum spend and add specific dates.
Specify free shipping products.
Specify not shipping areas.

About Advanced Shipping Calculator

Advanced Shipping Rates allows you to set shipping charges based on the destination city, postal/ZIP code, or state. Next, you can tell the app to calculate the charges conforming to the product weight, total cost, or quantity. Whichever criterion you choose, you’ll have the option to set the minimum and maximum values and prices. On checkout, the customer’s address is compared against your settings, and the shipment is calculated. If no match is found, the default cost is applied.

Shipping rates by city, state, zipcode / postal codes

Shipping rates by city, state, zipcode / postal codes

Shipping rates by weight, quantity or subtotal

Shipping rates by weight, quantity or subtotal

Shipping listings

Shipping listings