Extendons Order Quantity Limit

Set min & max order quantity limits for products & manage inventory & limit orders within few clicks

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App IDadvanced-order-quantity
Vendor IDextendons
Launched14 January 2020
CategoriesOrder limits Max quantity Min quantity Payment options - Other
Avg rating3.9
Total reviews22

Benefits of Extendons Order Quantity Limit

Limits Order by Setting MOQ and maximum order quantity limit on products
Set limits on quantity quantities purchase in a custom series 2, 4, 5, 7
Apply minimum & maximum quantity rules to selected products &variants categories
Show personalize message to customers for show quantity order & amount limits
Set minimum purchase amount limit for a specific amount range

About Extendons Order Quantity Limit

MOQ App -Advance Order Limits Quantity Define minimum and maximum product quantity a customer can select quickly with the Advanced quantity order application. The minimum and maximum limits order app helps you restrict the customers to order between the minimum and the maximum number of items you can manage in your store. Put restrictions on the cart and specific products. In addition, you can set a limit on the cart amount as well. Let’s manage your store inventory by Order limit Qty purchase.

Create Multiple Advanced Order Quantity Rules

Create Multiple Advanced Order Quantity Rules

Specify the Minimum & Maximum Product Quantity

Specify the Minimum & Maximum Product Quantity

Apply Rule on Products, Varients or Collections

Apply Rule on Products, Varients or Collections