
NA Age Verification

Easily add age verification to your store. Check age with age gate popup on entry or before checkout

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDage-checker-3
Vendor IDchris-geelhoed
Launched18 February 2020
CategoriesAge verifier
Avg rating4.8
Total reviews130

Benefits of NA Age Verification

About NA Age Verification

Easily add age verification to your online store! The app automatically installs on your store (no need to mess with code or wait for a developer to help you!) and adds a professional age verification screen that can appear when the customer enters your website and before they checkout.

The app integrates seamlessly with your online store and the age verification screen has been designed to work great on all devices including mobile, tablet, and desktop.

Profession age verification popup

Profession age verification popup

Show age verification popup only on pages that you need it

Show age verification popup only on pages that you need it

Pre-checkout rules on cart page

Pre-checkout rules on cart page