
Age Check Age Verification Ace

Age verification app is used to deter the restricted age or under age users.

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App IDage-verification-popup-verify-customers
Vendor IDzoomyapps
Launched26 September 2018
CategoriesAge verifier Popups
Avg rating4.7
Total reviews72

Benefits of Age Check Age Verification Ace

About Age Check Age Verification Ace

You can easily add age verification popup on your store with the app. This app is a good solution to be installed on Shopify stores selling wines, Alcohol , Vaping products - sharp tools or any other content that requires an age restriction. Restrict selling products to underage customers. Let your customers self certify. Visitors can either verify their age or they can verify age by Yes/No button.

Zooomy Age Verification

Zooomy Age Verification

Zooomy Age Verification

Zooomy Age Verification

Zooomy Age Verification

Zooomy Age Verification