
Age Verifier by OTG

Age Verification is an important first step in blocking access to underage visitors.

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDage-verification
Vendor IDopenthinkgroup
Launched19 September 2017
CategoriesAge verifier
Avg rating5
Total reviews3

Benefits of Age Verifier by OTG

About Age Verifier by OTG

Age Verification – Is a customizable pop-up app to restrict access to your website. If your Shopify store sells age restricted products such as; alcohol, wine, tobacco, ecigs, or vaping products… Age Verification is an important first step in blocking access to underage visitors.

Age Verification for Shopify

Age Verification for Shopify

Date of Birth pop up for Shopify

Date of Birth pop up for Shopify

Age Verifier admin dashboard

Age Verifier admin dashboard