
Boostr: Age Verification Check

Protect Your Store: Age verification for legal compliance & deterring underaged visitors.

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App IDage-verify-1
Vendor IDnorthlogic
Launched25 January 2023
CategoriesAge verifier Privacy and security - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Boostr: Age Verification Check

Choose the minimum age for your storefront (eg 18+, 21, etc)
Customize the appearance of the pop up window to match your store's branding
All devices are supported with full functionality and responsiveness
Ensure compliance, restrict underaged access with age verification on your store
Verify age using customizable yes/no buttons or birthday entry

About Boostr: Age Verification Check

The basic purpose of the Age Verify app is to confirm the age of users and prevent access to websites that contain inappropriate content or are legally restricted to individuals under a specific age. By implementing this app, website owners can ensure compliance with legal regulations and protect their audience from potentially harmful content. The installation and setup for the app is effortless with no coding required. You may customize the pop-up specific to your store to make it all fit in.

Age Verify store pop up view

Age Verify store pop up view

Age Verify perks

Age Verify perks

Customize the pop-up to fit your stores branding

Customize the pop-up to fit your stores branding