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App IDageverify
Vendor IDinverite-verification-inc
Launched12 May 2020
CategoriesAge verifier
Avg rating1.4
Total reviews2

Benefits of AgeVerify

About AgeVerify

#AgeVerify by Inverite If you are selling in a regulated industry or simply need to confirm your customer’s identity for KYC/compliance purposes, this plugin allows painless integration with Inverite’s AgeVerify service. Customer’s will be presented with a modal dialog to upload identity documents that will be stored in their Customer for future purchases.

The plugin can also be configured with different ID requirements all the way from facial recognition to simply parsing the back of the…

Customers uploading using their browser and smartphone camera

Customers uploading using their browser and smartphone camera

Orders updated with age verification results.

Orders updated with age verification results.

App dashboard provides interactive insights

App dashboard provides interactive insights