
Chatscout AI Chatbot + GPT4

AI shopping and chat assistant for retail that replaces customer support through Conversational AI

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App IDai-chat
Vendor IDzevi-ai1
Launched26 September 2023
CategoriesChat Recommended products
Avg rating5
Total reviews2

Benefits of Chatscout AI Chatbot + GPT4

About Chatscout AI Chatbot + GPT4

LLMs specifically trained for your store which would add a separate conversational shopping assistant for your customers. We’ve seen a significant jump in overall conversion and a reduction in messages sent to your customer care. With this AI assistant, you can increase your ROAS with an additional line of revenue, decrease your spends incurred in answering product related & FAQs, and serve your customers instantly. You can integrate our app with any chat widgets you already have.

AI shopping assistant, personal shopping assistant, chat assist

AI shopping assistant, personal shopping assistant, chat assist

neural search with chat, semantic search, LLM

neural search with chat, semantic search, LLM

multi-language support, live chat shopify

multi-language support, live chat shopify