AI Curator

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDai-curator
Vendor IDsavitude
Launched19 August 2019
CategoriesRecommended products
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of AI Curator

About AI Curator

Current curations include: Women’s ready-to-wear, necklaces and shoes. Supported Languages: English

#Ridiculously easy for you and your guests AI Curator is the ultimate way for guests to find the optimal pieces for their body shape. Savitude’s AI Curator personalizes fashion and recommends the optimal pieces for their body shape upon entering the site. Shoppers save time and see more personalized options, never missing a perfect opportunity to buy.

#How does it work? Poor fit can be…

Savitude's SHOP module recommends optimal pieces for body shape

Savitude's SHOP module recommends optimal pieces for body shape

Savitude’s easy 6-question quiz has a 91% completion rate

Savitude’s easy 6-question quiz has a 91% completion rate

Savitude's REFINE module lets shoppers search by design feature

Savitude's REFINE module lets shoppers search by design feature