Glowtify: Smarter AI Marketing

Transform your marketing into profit. We help you grow your ecommerce brand!

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Benefits of Glowtify: Smarter AI Marketing

Save hours weekly on operational work with Glowtify’s no-prompt AI-powered tool
Fix SEO issues quickly with prioritized, actionable recommendations in 1 click.
Track performance vs competitors with an easy scoring dashboard.
Generate campaigns in one click: blogs, ads, emails, social posts, banners.
Easily plan and schedule marketing efforts in a centralized calendar.

About Glowtify: Smarter AI Marketing

Glowtify is a profit-driven AI marketing tool for Shopify merchants, offering an all-in-one platform that identifies and prioritizes revenue opportunities while improving operational efficiency.

With no prompts required, Glowtify makes it easy to create content, plan 360° marketing campaigns, optimize SEO, and more, all while learning from your brand.

Our prioritized recommendations and scoring dashboard will guide your profit-driven marketing strategy. Let’s glow!

Accelerate growth with a smart ecommerce calendar and planner!

Accelerate growth with a smart ecommerce calendar and planner!

Boost sales with Glowtify's smart e-commerce analytics

Boost sales with Glowtify's smart e-commerce analytics

Generate complete marketing campaigns from just one click

Generate complete marketing campaigns from just one click