
Airnote SMS Notifications

Drive sales with SMS Notifications & Recover lost revenue with reminders for Abandoned Checkouts

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App IDairnote-notifications
Vendor IDairnote1
Launched01 May 2023
CategoriesSMS marketing Abandoned cart
Avg rating5
Total reviews7

Benefits of Airnote SMS Notifications

About Airnote SMS Notifications

With Airnote, you can send revenue driving SMS Notifications with built-in or customizable message templates that match your brand voice. Recover lost revenue with Reminders for Abandoned Checkouts via SMS or WhatsApp. Save your time by sending automatic SMS Notifications to your shoppers. Just an easy and automated SMS Marketing

Order and Shipping SMS Notifications

Order and Shipping SMS Notifications

Recover lost sales with Abandoned Checkout Reminders

Recover lost sales with Abandoned Checkout Reminders

Connect Twilio, Vonage, Plivo & more custom message gateways

Connect Twilio, Vonage, Plivo & more custom message gateways