Alma ‑ Widget

Offer flexible payments to your customers, skyrocket your business, and get paid right away.

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App IDalma-badge
Vendor IDalma-sas
Launched08 August 2022
CategoriesPage builder
Avg rating2.3
Total reviews22

Benefits of Alma ‑ Widget

Display selection for your product & cart page to maximize conversion
Tailored style and position options to fit with your purchase journey
Pop-up window to convert customers with additional reassuring elements

About Alma ‑ Widget

Our robust and complete widget for Shopify allows you to offer flexible options to your customers to pay in 2, 3, or 4 installments or pay later (D+15, D+30). Our seamless customer purchase experience maximizes conversion for your online business. The payment is guaranteed: customers pay later, but you receive the full amount right away. With Alma, you increase your online sales and boost customer satisfaction.

Alma Widget configuration in Shopify Backoffice

Alma Widget configuration in Shopify Backoffice

Alma widget in product page

Alma widget in product page

Alma widget opened

Alma widget opened