ALPHA Currency Converter

Our App is build to increase your store revenue by converting prices to local currency dynamically.

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App IDalpha-currency-converter
Vendor IDarcafy
Launched10 August 2020
CategoriesCurrency and translation Geolocation Local currency checkout Multi-currency Price rounding Price display Language switcher
Avg rating3.5
Total reviews14

Benefits of ALPHA Currency Converter

Easily add currencies with the push of a button and start selling international.
Automatically display prices in local currency and watch your sales soar.
Customer confidence will increase when they see prices in local currency.
Compatible with all themes and designs.

About ALPHA Currency Converter

Alpha currency converter integrates seamlessly with Shopify checkout pages, boosting international sales by catering to global customers with instant currency display and accurate exchange rates. It features automated location-based switching, an automated checkout currency converter, and works with AJAX carts and all themes. It supports price rounding, includes a one-click uninstall option, and offers five-star support, making it ideal for enhancing the global shopping experience

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