
Answerbase Helpful Content SEO

Answerbase generates and auto-optimizes helpful content for product pages which boosts SEO positions

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App IDanswerbase
Vendor IDlumin-creative
Launched25 April 2018
Avg rating5
Total reviews9

Benefits of Answerbase Helpful Content SEO

AI generation, Content optimization, Page indexing, Rich snippets, Schemas, Sitemaps
Analytics, Conversion tracking, Keyword analysis, Link analysis, Rank tracking, Reporting, Website traffic

About Answerbase Helpful Content SEO

Answerbase optimizes your product and collection pages with “People-first Helpful Content” used in Google’s automated ranking systems to better ensure people see original, helpful content created for people in search results. Answerbase feeds merchants with questions customers ask about their products on Google, competitor sites, and their own site and then uses AI to auto-optimize that Q&A content with how people searching for it in volume, lifting short-tail and long-tail SEO simultaneously.

Helpful content feed product by product

Helpful content feed product by product

Feeds you product questions from Google and Competitors

Feeds you product questions from Google and Competitors

Answers questions with info from product descriptions and Q&A

Answers questions with info from product descriptions and Q&A