

The ultimate ambassador marketing platform - trusted by over 300 eCommerce brands world wide.

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App IDapp90867
Vendor IDbrandbassador-ltd
Launched30 August 2023
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Brandbassador

About Brandbassador

Brandbassador is an ambassador marketing platform that helps your brand build a community and benefit from this tried-and-true marketing strategy. Forge lasting relationships with customers who already advocate for your products. Through gamified missions, create genuine user-generated content, amplify social engagement, and increase revenue. Through seamless integration with your Shopify store, automate discount code creation and sales tracking.

Nurture relationships with unlimited ambassadors.

Nurture relationships with unlimited ambassadors.

Create Missions that mobilize your community

Create Missions that mobilize your community

Unleash the power of the creator economy.

Unleash the power of the creator economy.