
Appointment Booking — Bookeasy

Streamline bookings for appointments, events, rentals & more with a simplified calendar booking app.

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDappointment-booking-bookeasy
Vendor IDlogbase1
Launched12 May 2023
CategoriesAppointment booking
Avg rating4.9
Total reviews136

Benefits of Appointment Booking — Bookeasy

About Appointment Booking — Bookeasy

Seamlessly integrate this booking app into your Shopify store, transforming products into bookable services. Enable customers to schedule appointments, consultations, shopping, spa visits, events, workshops, rentals, and more. Tailored to businesses of all sizes, our customisable solution ensures a smooth booking experience. Designed for mobile, simple setup and usage.

Appointment Booking - BookEasy

Appointment Booking - BookEasy

Appointment Booking - BookEasy

Appointment Booking - BookEasy

Appointment Booking - BookEasy

Appointment Booking - BookEasy