
Atlas ‑ Help Center / FAQ

Easy to create a self-serve online library of information.

🚀 Do you need to export any Shopify store in minutes to a CSV file?
You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDatlas-help-center
Vendor IDsakurapixel
Launched27 August 2020
Avg rating4
Total reviews1

Benefits of Atlas ‑ Help Center / FAQ

SEO pages & quick access through Atlas launcher widget across your storefront
Reduce your support volume and increase satisfaction with a 24/7 self-serve help
Track customer satisfaction and visits for each article

About Atlas ‑ Help Center / FAQ

Atlas - Help Center makes it easy to create a self-serve online library of information about products, services, or different topics like shipping, returns, payment methods, frequently asked questions, and such.
Truly indexable pages, Atlas supports deep linking, more you can edit each article and category slug. Atlas Launcher is a “messenger-like” widget that shows within all your store pages for quick access. Built-in search for titles and small descriptions.

Help center app for Shopify - FAQ home page - Intercom

Help center app for Shopify - FAQ home page - Intercom

Help center app for Shopify - home page - Intercom layout

Help center app for Shopify - home page - Intercom layout

Help center app for Shopify - FAQ widget

Help center app for Shopify - FAQ widget