
This app leverages social media to bring traffic to your shop. Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and more

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App IDautotweet
Vendor IDsapiens-sapiens
Launched16 September 2020
CategoriesAds Automated campaigns Social media Performance tracking Engagement metrics Click-through rates Impression counts
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Autotweet

Automatic tweets, fire-and-forget solution, focus on your core business
Supports LinkedIn, Pinterest and the number of platforms is growing
Analytics: We will show you how your tweets perform

About Autotweet

The app automates the process of tweeting your products. You only set it up once. We will then retrieve a random listing from your shop and tweet it to the world on the schedule you chose. If you were tweeting manually or via schedulers, you would need to be relentless, systematic and very disciplined in keeping your products and tweets in sync. This app solves those kind of problems, leaving you with more time to focus on your core business.

Account overview

Account overview

Tweet preview and settings pane

Tweet preview and settings pane

Multiple Twitter accounts

Multiple Twitter accounts