
Bannerify ‑ Animated Popup

With 5 dynamic templates and 9 flexible positions, Let's showcase the store with a popup banner.

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App IDbannerify-animated-popup
Vendor IDbrainstation-23
Launched05 December 2023
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Bannerify ‑ Animated Popup

About Bannerify ‑ Animated Popup

Celebrate your store’s uniqueness with Bannerify, the ultimate app for creating eye-catching popup banners. With 5 dynamic templates, 9 flexible positions and 5 animations, Let’s showcase your promotions, products, and collections in style. Choose from templates like Announcement popup banner, Newsletter popup banner, New arrival product popup banner, Video and text popup banner, and Collections showcase popup banner to convey your message effectively.

Create banner suitable options

Create banner suitable options

Show the store collections

Show the store collections

Announcement banner

Announcement banner