

This application allows you to send delivery requests for orders to the BeeFast SaaS platform.

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App IDbeefast-saas
Vendor IDbeefast-technology-s-r-l
Launched21 March 2023
CategoriesDelivery and pickups - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of BeeFast

About BeeFast

If you are a client of a delivery company using the BeeFast software you can use this application to request deliveries. After you get your client account and token from the delivery business you can set it on the settings page and execute the “BeeFast Delivery” action on the order for which you want to request a delivery (shipping phone number must be required). If you have multiple locations, choose the pickup. If the delivery is requested you will get the ID, otherwise an error.

Connect account

Connect account



Order action

Order action