

Bloom uses AI to generate and auto-optimize personalized product photos to increase sales.

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App IDbloom-2
Vendor IDbloom-ai
Launched16 July 2021
CategoriesSales analytics
Avg rating3.5
Total reviews4

Benefits of Bloom

Create AI-generated content at scale without paying for another photoshoot
See impact conversion rate via Google Analytics integration
New, high converting content added each month based on insights

About Bloom

Bloom is a generative AI-based app designed to increase e-commerce conversion rates. It utilizes AI to analyze customer behavior on existing photos, and generates personalized product images that are optimized to increase the likelihood of a purchase. The app is perfect for merchants looking to improve their product imagery at scale without traditional photoshoots. Bloom also syncs up directly with Google Analytics to provide accurate conversion tracking.

Bloom's dashboard syncs with GA for performance lift tracking

Bloom's dashboard syncs with GA for performance lift tracking

Review and approve AI scenes

Review and approve AI scenes

Dynamically serves AI scenes to test converstion

Dynamically serves AI scenes to test converstion