
Bookhub‑POD for books

Create, sell and ship your books at publishing level more easily than ever before - with Bookhub

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App IDbookhub
Vendor IDmuthu-gmbh
Launched10 January 2024
CategoriesPrint on demand (POD)
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Bookhub‑POD for books

About Bookhub‑POD for books

Your customers order, we print and ship the book directly to your customers - quickly and environmentally friendly. And it gets even better: we also connect you with the German book trade and handle all orders from your customers and bookstores in Germany, without any additional effort on your part. We ship throughout Germany.

Dashboard from Bookhub

Dashboard from Bookhub

Order overview from Bookhub

Order overview from Bookhub

Bookshelf from Bookhub

Bookshelf from Bookhub