
Booking App by Webkul

Manage bookings with the 6 types of booking types and easily create bookings as per the service type

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App IDbooking-app-by-webkul
Vendor IDwebkul
Launched16 May 2018
CategoriesAppointment booking Event calendar
Avg rating4.7
Total reviews64

Benefits of Booking App by Webkul

About Booking App by Webkul

Do you provide services to customers being as Doctors, Dance Teachers, Tuition Teachers, or sell tickets, etc, and do you have your Shopify Store?

If yes then, this is the perfect app for you. Here, you can easily add Appointment-type booking, Rent-type booking, Event-type booking, and Concert-type booking. With the booking app, you can easily add calendar slots so that the customer can book the product as per the slots provided.

Booking - Appointment type

Booking - Appointment type

Booking- concert type

Booking- concert type

Booking App - Backend dashboard

Booking App - Backend dashboard