

Win new customers by targeting NFT communities with exclusive discounts, content & other promotions

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App IDbrand-connector
Vendor IDsmart-token-labs1
Launched22 February 2023
CategoriesTokengating & loyalty Blockchain - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of BrandConnector

About BrandConnector

Brand Connector for Shopify allows you to configure tokenized NFT access for discounts, products, collections and content. It’s integration with the popular Locksmith app for Shopify allows the most flexible & comprehensive NFT integration on Shopify.

Brand Connector provides a simple configuration interface where you can add multiple token gates and configure access for owners of specific tokens. We support all popular EVM based blockchains & integration with third-party discount types.

Easy configuration

Easy configuration

Flexible discount rules

Flexible discount rules

Customizable shopfront widget

Customizable shopfront widget