

One app for all your logistic needs, Deliver your goods with various courier services in BukaSend

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App IDbukasend
Vendor IDbukasend-indonesia
Launched27 September 2022
CategoriesShipping rate calculator
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Bukasend

About Bukasend

Connect your delivery needs using BukaSend as a logistics aggregator. We provide multiple courier services that will pick up packages at your doorstep. BukaSend can fulfill your delivery needs as a single entry point to manage the delivery orders of our valuable customers. All in One Dashboard to check tariffs & rates, share tracking links, and manage your shipment.

BukaSend - Shopify login page

BukaSend - Shopify login page

BukaSend - Shopify transaction synced

BukaSend - Shopify transaction synced

BukaSend - Shopify Store Front

BukaSend - Shopify Store Front