BulkBunny︱ Bulk Discount Codes

Generate unlimited discount codes in bulk. You can send a unique one-time-use code to each customer.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
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App IDbulk-bunny-bulk-discount-codes-generator
Vendor IDapp-attic
Launched04 January 2023
CategoriesDiscounts Discount codes Bulk discounts Bulk editing Custom code
Avg rating3.3
Total reviews5

Benefits of BulkBunny︱ Bulk Discount Codes

Friendly, intuitive user interface - create discount codes in bulk, with ease.
Ultimate flexibility - randomly generate, copy-paste, or upload a CSV file.
Lookup discount codes, add more, export or manage your discounts.

About BulkBunny︱ Bulk Discount Codes

Generate unlimited, unique one-time-use discount codes for your sales, special offers and promotions.

If you’re looking for an easy way to generate, import, or upload unique codes at a blazingly fast speed, Bulk Bunny is the exact app you need. With an intuitive user interface, all it takes are a couple of clicks and a few minutes to generate all the discount codes you need in bulk.

Manage, add, export and lookup your discount codes with our all-in-one bulk discount code generator.

Fast and Easy To Use - generate all discount codes in minutes

Fast and Easy To Use - generate all discount codes in minutes

Unlimited Unique Codes - generate unlimited unique codes

Unlimited Unique Codes - generate unlimited unique codes

Randomly Generate, Upload & Import - easily add discount codes

Randomly Generate, Upload & Import - easily add discount codes