
BundleJET ‑ Bundles Made Easy

Boost your sales by offering meaningful product bundles.

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App IDbundlejet
Vendor IDsmartive
Launched22 March 2023
CategoriesProduct bundles
Avg rating5
Total reviews8

Benefits of BundleJET ‑ Bundles Made Easy

Build a box, Cross-sell bundles, Custom bundles, Fixed bundles, Physical products, Upsell bundles, Variant bundles, Wholesale bundles
BOGO, Bulk pricing, Custom pricing, Discounts, Fixed pricing, Flat discounts, Percentage discounts, Volume discounts, Wholesale pricing

About BundleJET ‑ Bundles Made Easy

Create bundles the way you want it (add as many products or variants) at the price that makes sense (percentage, fixed discounts or a new price all together). Enables you to increase your AOV by offering a better value deal for your direct customers and gives you the meaning to handle your wholesale side. BundleJET will also take care of your product stock levels adjustments. And the best part is that we’ll do this so seamless that your customer experience will not be affected one bit.

app flow

app flow

increase average order value

increase average order value

flexible bundle options

flexible bundle options