
Burq: On‑Demand Delivery

Power your store with same-day local deliveries. Access multiple delivery providers in one click.

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App IDburq
Vendor IDburq-inc1
Launched16 August 2021
CategoriesShipping rate calculator Order and shipping reports
Avg rating4.7
Total reviews2

Benefits of Burq: On‑Demand Delivery

About Burq: On‑Demand Delivery

Burq enables you to offer on-demand delivery to your customers, within minutes! After installing, your customers will have the option to choose delivery during their checkout. Our network compiles drivers from multiple delivery providers. When it’s time to ship out a product, we dispatch the best driver for the job. No long waits or headaches. Instead, we allow you to spend your time doing what you love.

Same day delivery option from Burq

Same day delivery option from Burq

Manage and track deliveries on Burq dashboard

Manage and track deliveries on Burq dashboard

Real-time Tracking

Real-time Tracking