
AI Alerts: Stockout & Delay

Stay ahead of stockouts, delivery delays, and order volume changes with AI powered store alerting.

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You can open it in Excel or Google Sheets for analysis, or import it into another Shopify store.
Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDbusiness-monitoring-by-zorp
Vendor IDroulette-technologies-inc
Launched12 February 2024
CategoriesStore activity Operations - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of AI Alerts: Stockout & Delay

About AI Alerts: Stockout & Delay

Running a Shopify store can feel like juggling a thousand balls at once. Maybe you’re facing a stock outage, delivery delays, or an unexpected dip in orders. Situations like these can leave your customers unhappy or even cause you to lose them.

ZORP Alerts keeps you in the loop with real-time notifications about any hiccups. Better yet, it can automatically tackle these issues for you, following the resolution steps you’ve set up.

Real-Time Anomaly Detection: Instantly spot irregularities

Real-Time Anomaly Detection: Instantly spot irregularities

Automated Alerts: Receive timely alerts for potential issues

Automated Alerts: Receive timely alerts for potential issues

Customisable Metrics: Tailor Zorp to track and analyse metrics

Customisable Metrics: Tailor Zorp to track and analyse metrics