
Buy now or Pay more | Urgency

Create an urgency to buy as price automatically increases with every sale.

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App IDbuy-now-or-pay-more
Vendor IDmolecular-apps
Launched22 May 2023
CategoriesCustom pricing and quotes
Avg rating5
Total reviews11

Benefits of Buy now or Pay more | Urgency

About Buy now or Pay more | Urgency

Getting sales are hard. With no social proof or reviews, its a challenge to convince customers to buy.

Why not change their trigger? Create urgency by incentivizing early buyers.

‘Buy now or Pay more’ automatically increases the price of a product in real-time based on your conditions

This way, your early buyers feel rewarded by taking a chance on you. And you get a higher conversion rate for new products even without all the social proof.

Price automatically increases after units are sold

Price automatically increases after units are sold

Show your client a message creating urgency

Show your client a message creating urgency

Select rule for any product or variant

Select rule for any product or variant