
Progressive Discounts: Byobify

Create progressive tiered discounts. 'Spend X and get Y percent discount' can help with store sales.

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App IDbyobify
Vendor IDpeaze
Launched07 August 2023
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Progressive Discounts: Byobify

About Progressive Discounts: Byobify

With byobify you can easily create progressive tiered discounts. Progressive tiered discounts are ‘spend X and get Y percent off’ discount, which can be split into multiple tiers. For eg: ‘Spend $50 and get 15% discount, Spend $75 and get 30% discount’. Shoppers spend more as they get more savings with tiered discounts, which helps your store sales. We make it easy for shoppers to see their spend and discounts while they shop and when cart updates.

Manage tiered discounts

Manage tiered discounts

Shoppers tiered discount bar

Shoppers tiered discount bar

Create tiered discounts

Create tiered discounts