
C: Wholesale Pricing Discount

Drive product sales by offering quantity and spend-based discounts with different conditions.

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App IDc-wholesale-pricing-discount
Vendor IDcapacity-web-solutions-pvt-ltd
Launched06 July 2023
CategoriesDiscounts Competitive pricing
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of C: Wholesale Pricing Discount

About C: Wholesale Pricing Discount

Utilize unlimited discounts for multiple products and collections, and enhance sales through a discount table on the product page. Use upsell messages to drive additional purchases, time-limited discounts to target customers, and enjoy design customization options for a personalized touch.

Maximize sales by implementing time-limited and tag-based discounts to target specific customers. You can also enjoy full design customization options to personalize your discount promotions.

Discount Table

Discount Table

Cart Page

Cart Page

Create Discount Rule

Create Discount Rule