Canteen ‑ Deposits and Fees

Collect mandatory fees. Great for bottle deposits, environmental, setup, rental and core charges.

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App IDcanteen
Vendor IDsasquatch-studio1
Launched05 March 2021
CategoriesPricing quotes Checkout - Other
Avg rating4.2
Total reviews45

Benefits of Canteen ‑ Deposits and Fees

Fees are automatically added to the cart and checkout.
Fees can be configured for product groups, one time or per quantity.
Collect fees on ecommerce and POS.
Easily report your collected fees for accounting purposes.
Works on 100s of Shopify themes. Supports 2.0 themes as well.

About Canteen ‑ Deposits and Fees

The Canteen app allows merchants to easily collect fees they need to run their business. Canteen is an easy way to collect bottle deposits, environmental fees, setup fees, design fees, core charges, security deposits, order and product fees, adult signature fees, etc.

The rule builder allows you to create the fee rules, update their thumbnails, set tax options and determine if the rule is one time, per cart or per product quantity.

Automatically add fees to your shopify cart

Automatically add fees to your shopify cart

Fees get tracked so you can report easily

Fees get tracked so you can report easily

Bottle deposits, environmental fees, rental deposits, and more

Bottle deposits, environmental fees, rental deposits, and more