
Cart Block: checkout validator

CartBlock allows you to tailor validation conditions, preventing unwanted transactions and costs.

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App IDcart-block
Vendor IDidigilab2
Launched02 February 2024
CategoriesCart modification
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of Cart Block: checkout validator

About Cart Block: checkout validator

CartBlock’s customizable conditions allow you to set specific rules, blocking purchases based on criteria like country, product quantity, customer profiles, and much more. It maintains transparency through warnings and messages at critical points, ensuring customers are well-informed. Powered by Shopify Functions technology, CartBlock offers real-time validation and easy integration, no coding required.

CartBlock Block & Validate any purchase cart and checkout

CartBlock Block & Validate any purchase cart and checkout

CartBlock Block & Validate any purchase cart and checkout

CartBlock Block & Validate any purchase cart and checkout

CartBlock Block & Validate any purchase cart and checkout

CartBlock Block & Validate any purchase cart and checkout