Carti Show Discount Offers

Improve sales, cultivate customer loyalty, and optimize conversion rates by showcasing discounts.

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App IDcarti-discount-offers
Vendor IDriser
Launched25 May 2023
Avg rating5
Total reviews3

Benefits of Carti Show Discount Offers

Highlight top discounts to the users on the product page.
Pleasant user interface to showcase discounts and an interactive admin panel.
Entice customers to visit the store and motivate them to make a purchase.

About Carti Show Discount Offers

The Carti Show Discount Offer app makes it easier for merchants to run targeted promotions on specific items. The app offers an option to add terms and conditions for each discount code. Displaying discounts may increase sales as customers are more likely to buy products that are on sale, which improves the conversion rate. By offering discounts, merchants can build customer loyalty and encourage repeat business. So, what are you waiting for?

Terms and Condition

Terms and Condition

Product Page

Product Page

