
Carti Price Back Offer

This app allows the customers to bargain on the price of the product.

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Tested with time, robust, and reliable. Install the Shopify Spy browser extension now.
App IDcarti-price-back-offer
Vendor IDriser
Launched15 May 2023
CategoriesPricing - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Carti Price Back Offer

About Carti Price Back Offer

The app allows the customer and seller to negotiate on a price that suits them both. A button is available to the customer to enter a price and if the seller agrees, it is the final price. If the seller does not agree to the price, he will tell his final price.

Shows the app analytics and order history table of the app.

Shows the app analytics and order history table of the app.

Allows the customisation of the Popups.

Allows the customisation of the Popups.

Shows active plan, trial plan and no active plan.

Shows active plan, trial plan and no active plan.