

Enhance your Catch integration with onsite messaging and, in turn, drive customer lifetime value.

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App IDcatch
Vendor IDcatch-inc1
Launched13 July 2023
CategoriesLoyalty and rewards
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Catch

Highlight Catch rewards with a modern Checkout UI extension.
Educate customers about your Catch offering onsite and in context.
Automatically match your Catch marketing campaigns to align with your goals.

About Catch

Catch helps you drive customer retention and loyalty. Use the Catch Messaging app to enhance your integration with relevant Catch messaging on the checkout page. Use Catch to foster higher repeat rates, purchase frequency, and engagement across your customer base, including from new-to-file customers.

Callout Widget at Information step of checkout (in preview mode)

Callout Widget at Information step of checkout (in preview mode)

Placing the Callout widget using the Checkout Editor

Placing the Callout widget using the Checkout Editor

Informational page linked from Callout info icon

Informational page linked from Callout info icon