
ChatBreezes‑Sell by Chat

Transform social media chats into sales, unlocking every interaction's potential for your business

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App IDchatbreezes
Vendor IDchat-breezes-limited
Launched04 December 2023
CategoriesSocial media Direct marketing - Other
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of ChatBreezes‑Sell by Chat

About ChatBreezes‑Sell by Chat

Chat Breezes turns social media conversations into sales, leading customers from a simple hello to Shopify checkout. As an omnichannel chat marketing platform, it captures all social leads and uses AI+Human+Automation to sort and prioritize, offer personalized product recommendations based on order history, send product links directly in conversations—keeping potentials engaged without leaving the chat, answer detailed product questions, and run campaigns. Maximize sales with every interaction.

Sell via conversations on social media and messaging platforms

Sell via conversations on social media and messaging platforms

Capture Your Leads No Matter Where They're From

Capture Your Leads No Matter Where They're From

Seize Instant Customer Insights for Personalized Conversation

Seize Instant Customer Insights for Personalized Conversation