
Chatfuel: Sales AI Chatbot

WhatsApp+ChatGPT for sales: cart recovery, personalized messages.

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App IDchatfuel
Vendor IDchatfuel2
Launched07 December 2023
CategoriesAbandoned cart Chat
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Chatfuel: Sales AI Chatbot

About Chatfuel: Sales AI Chatbot

Improve your sales and revenue — create automation for WhatsApp with ChatGPT built in to adjust conversion rates.

Send automated personalized messages with exclusive offers, product recommendations, abandoned cart and other reminders, order confirmations, shipping updates, etc.

Let ChatGPT be your witty assistant for sales and tips

Let ChatGPT be your witty assistant for sales and tips

Recover abandoned carts, seal the deals, update shipping info

Recover abandoned carts, seal the deals, update shipping info

Offer ultimate live chat experience
with multiple agents

Offer ultimate live chat experience
with multiple agents