
ChatUp: AI‑Driven Support Chat

Save time and boost sales with smart, simple customer care. Build trust in every interaction.

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App IDchatup-ai-powered-live-chat
Vendor IDawesoon-technologies-inc
Launched16 August 2023
Avg rating5
Total reviews1

Benefits of ChatUp: AI‑Driven Support Chat

About ChatUp: AI‑Driven Support Chat

ChatUp is a lightning-fast, fully customizable customer service app. Provide 24/7 AI-driven customer service in every language, or take over live conversations yourself. Improve your conversion rate and learn more about your customers by reviewing chat summaries and addressing common customer concerns. Tailor greetings, colors, and themes easily during setup to ensure your brand’s personality shines through in every interaction. Deliver exceptional customer experiences effortlessly with ChatUp!

AI-powered live chat for shopify stores powered by GPT 3.5

AI-powered live chat for shopify stores powered by GPT 3.5

AI-powered live chat for shopify stores that shows analytics

AI-powered live chat for shopify stores that shows analytics

AI-powered live chat for shopify stores & displays chat history

AI-powered live chat for shopify stores & displays chat history