
CheckMate Checkout Upsells

Create personalized checkout upsells & cross-sell offers. Grow your sales and AOV with CheckMate

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App IDcheckmateapp
Vendor IDecomate
Launched29 May 2023
CategoriesRecommended products Upselling and cross-selling
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of CheckMate Checkout Upsells

About CheckMate Checkout Upsells

CheckMate empowers Shopify Plus merchants to create personalized product upsell & cross-sell offers during the checkout process. Easily set up rules for your offers based on cart amount, items, and discount in cart. Choose products to offer by tags, types, vendors, or advanced options like Top Seller and Shopify AI. There’s nothing stopping you from offering the right targeted checkout upsells at the right time. Unlock the potential of your Checkout page and boost your AOV with CheckMate.

boost sales with smart product offers at checkout

boost sales with smart product offers at checkout

grow average order value with cross-sell offer

grow average order value with cross-sell offer

flexible conditions for product offer rules

flexible conditions for product offer rules