
Checkout Switcher One‑Click

One-click subscriptions upsell. Upgrade customers to subscriptions and build your recurring revenue!

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App IDcheckout-switcher
Vendor IDthails
Launched25 July 2023
CategoriesUpselling and cross-selling
Avg rating0
Total reviews0

Benefits of Checkout Switcher One‑Click

About Checkout Switcher One‑Click

Checkout Switcher for Shopify Plus offers 1-click upsells to subscriptions, turning single purchases into ongoing revenue with no reloads or redirects. Customers can adjust their subscription frequency and quantity directly at checkout. Elevate your store’s appeal by adding icons for USPs or free shipping, upsell one-off products, showcase user reviews, and add custom text or announcements. Tailor your CTA upgrade upsell text to match your brand voice.

Increase recurring revenue

Increase recurring revenue

customize for maximum impact

customize for maximum impact

One-off Upsells

One-off Upsells